Keep Mounted Network Drives Alive on OSX
I love my NAS but because I tried to save a little money it does not run SABnzbd very well. I've tried different approaches but find myself ending up downloading on OSX as it writ...
A collection of 3 posts
I love my NAS but because I tried to save a little money it does not run SABnzbd very well. I've tried different approaches but find myself ending up downloading on OSX as it writ...
I recently bought a NAS so my data is safe & available, with the benefit of being low power / noise / heat. I've considered Netgear, QNAP, but decided to go for a Synology as i...
The Synology ships with a Download Station but it's not remotely as advanced as SABnzbd. What I mostly miss is automatic par & unpacking of it's downloads. Here's how to fix th...