Here are some commands to download the most important pages of your site as plain text (determined by MAX_DEPTH), and save it into one big <DOMAIN>.txt file.

This could come in handy when you want to have everything checked for grammar & spelling errors.

After the spellcheck you'd still have to search through your codebase / database to find & fix the culprits, but this should already save you some time in discovery.

#!/usr/bin/env bash -e
# Downloads a site's text to 1 text file, so you can easily
# have it grammer/spellchecked
# Requires: wget, html2text
# Recommened: pandoc vs html2text
# Improve at:

[ -z "${DOMAIN}" ]    && echo "Cannot continue without DOMAIN. " && exit 1
[ -z "${EXCLUDE}" ]   && EXCLUDE="*.css,*.js,*.rss,*.xml,*.png,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.gif,*.flv,*.swf,*.mp4,*.mov,*.mp3,*.wav"
[ -z "${MAX_DEPTH}" ] && MAX_DEPTH="1"
[ -z "${OUTPUT}" ]    && OUTPUT="./${DOMAIN}.txt"
[ -z "${TMPDIR}" ]    && TMPDIR="/tmp"
[ -z "${TXTENGINE}" ] && [ -x "$(which pandoc)" ]    && TXTENGINE="pandoc +RTS -K16m -RTS -t markdown -o- -f html -i"
[ -z "${TXTENGINE}" ] && [ -x "$(which html2text)" ] && TXTENGINE="html2text -nobs"
[ -z "${TXTENGINE}" ] && echo "Cannot continue without pandoc or html2text. " && exit 1

wget \
  --adjust-extension \
  --convert-links \
  --directory-prefix="${TMPDIR}" \
  --level="${MAX_DEPTH}" \
  --no-parent \
  --recursive \
  --reject="${EXCLUDE}" \
  --restrict-file-names=windows,lowercase \

[ -f "${OUTPUT}" ] && rm -f "${OUTPUT}"
find "${TMPDIR}/${DOMAIN}" -type f -print0 -name '*.html' \
  |while read -d $'\0' file; do
  echo "imported by ${0} from: $(echo "${file}" |sed "s@^${TMPDIR}/${DOMAIN}@@")" >> "${OUTPUT}"
  echo "==================================" >> "${OUTPUT}"
  ${TXTENGINE} "${file}" >> "${OUTPUT}"
  echo -e "\n\n\n\n" >> "${OUTPUT}"

echo ""
echo " Combined text file ready in ${OUTPUT}"
echo " To cleanup after this script, type: rm -rf \"${TMPDIR}/${DOMAIN}\""
echo ""


$ brew install wget html2text # or apt-get install wget html2text

Run it:

$ ./


If you can install Pandoc, the resulting text output will be in Markdown and of much higher quality.

Improvements are more than welcome!